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Mark Fritz

Articles for Mark Fritz

Case Study: No Good TV Won't Be Ignored

In the online world, just as in the offline world, money talks and success silences criticism. No Good Tv can be vulgar to the max, as long as it continues to make the online world, just as in the offline world, money talks and success silences criticism. No Good Tv can be vulgar to the max, as long as it continues to make money.

Newspapers in Multimedia Metamorphosis (Part 2)

The newspaper as we once knew it is no more. A whole new world of journalism beckons.

Case Study: IBM Takes Webcasting to the Desktop

IBM has been webcasting for more than a decade. But with the help of IVT Studio, Big Blue is making it accessible to anyone in the organization, from division managers to the C-suite.
Fri., Sept. 21, by Mark Fritz

Case Study: Jyske Bank Serves Espresso, Enterprise Video

With the help of Media Publisher, Envivio, Stratacache, and IBM Services, the Danish bank offers customers a dazzling video experience in addition to more traditional financial services.

Case Study: Marketing to Marketers With On-Demand Video

One organization that thinks it has found a better way to market itself is the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council. And its better way is through on-demand mini-webcasts produced and hosted by ON24.

Movidity Takes Unique Approach to Mobile Video Sharing

In stark opposition to the subscription-based walled garden of video offered by Verizon and YouTube, will let users pay per play to watch video on their mobile devices.
Mon., Dec. 11, by Mark Fritz

Schooled in Streaming

While streaming media has not yet achieved BMOC status at colleges and universities, it is no longer a wet-behind-the-ears freshman plebe. Many schools have caught on to streaming media and tried it, and now they are ready to take it to the next grade level. Such is the case at Lamar University, Marist College, Seattle Community Colleges, and on the main campus at Sandia National Laboratory.

Dovetail vs. King Kong

By focusing on video quality and professionally-produced content, and giving content creators more control over how their work is shared, Dovetail hopes to knock YouTube off its perch atop the video-sharing tower.
Tues., Nov. 7, by Mark Fritz

NASA Takes Streaming Into Space

NASA will soon stream live high-res video from the International Space Station. In order to get there, the agency had to find the right combination of hardware and software without adding too much launch weight or take up too much onboard real estate.
Tues., June 6, by Mark Fritz

Case Study: Flash Earns Pole Position for Safety-Kleen’s Video Training

The parts washer manufacturer and NASCAR sponsor left videotape behind as soon as Flash offered video support. Now, the company saves both time and money by delivering all of its sales and customer training online.
by Mark Fritz

Breeze: “A Wonderful Juxtaposition of Synchronous and Asynchronous”

ULiveandLearn uses Macromedia Breeze by Adobe to build online training programs, including one in the works for media training guru TJ Walker.
by Mark Fritz

Streaming Media for Motorheads

Autobytel’s six Web sites offer hours of audio and video content to help savvy consumers make smart choices when it comes to buying cars, with a little Jay Leno and Paris Hilton thrown in to keep things entertaining.
by Mark Fritz

The Blackboard LMS Goes to Medical School

Integrating streaming media into learning management systems is the latest trend in education
by Mark Fritz

Grabbing, Ripping, and Saving Streams

Applian is one of several companies offering software that records streaming audio and video. That’s a boon to consumers, but what about the legal implications?
by Mark Fritz

Leaping from the Print Sphere to the Vlogosphere

CMP’s The News Show stays true to the independent spirit of video blogging by delivering daily technology reports with flair and finesse.
by Mark Fritz

Proponents Hope IP Multimedia Subsystems Will Propel Convergence

Technology’s combination of VoIP, cellular, and WiFi leads one analyst to call it the “holy grail” of convergence.
by Mark Fritz

From the OR to the Desktop:

Web site brings OB/GYN surgical procedures online for doctor and patient education.

Case Study: Webcasting Fosters Better Parents in Washington

The state’s Foster Parent Training Institute is using Webcast-based training to provide continuing education to foster families all over the state.

Case Study: Automatic Stream Insertion

Yahoo!’s AdVision automates the process of putting streams into ad spaces. This lets designers focus on what they’re best at, instead of on the nuts and bolts of bytes and bitrates.

Solving the DAM Problem

When your media becomes too much to handle on your own, digital asset management (DAM) solutions like Onstream’s DMSP can save the day.

Case Study: Streaming Medical Education to the Mideast

Envivio’s MPEG-4-based Mindshare system lets Cornell’s med school professors teach students in Qatar

Case Study: The Tax Show for the Tax Pro

The IRS’ Tax Talk Today keeps tax professionals up to speed on the latest regulations. For the streaming industry, it provides a textbook example of service-provider synergy.

Case Study: Bringing the Mountain to Online Viewers

From small rural churches to gospel superstars like T.D. Jakes, Nine Systems has found success in the religious Webcasting market.

MINDS in Motion

From educational multimedia to the Library of Congress’ WWII vets oral history project, Multimedia Instructional Network Delivery Systems streams to classrooms nationwide.

Video Tools for IP Schools

Cisco’s VoIP solutions help school districts consolidate their networks and make videoconferencing a reality.

Fiber, Convergence, and Communities of the Future

Fiber optic technology takes root in Provo, Utah with municipally built broadband infrastructure. Some residents will soon be able to have access, over the city's fiber optic network (known as the iProvo network), to a converged IP service from HomeNet Communications

Case Study: IBM "Flashes Up" eNewsletter

When IBM realized that its HTML-based IT newsletter wasn't getting the job done, the company looked to ForwardView to provide Interactivity.

Case Study: Smarter Transportation with Network Video Appliances

Departments of Transportation in more and more states are monitoring their highways via streaming video, integrating digital video surveillance and monitoring systems into Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Sports Drive IP Video Subscription Services

Lack of ubiquitous broadband access means that, for now at least, downloading rules the mound while streaming is still warming up in the bullpen. But more and more content delivery portals are offering free streaming to lure users in, in the hopes that they’ll pay for downloads.

Case Study: ViewCentral Helps Xerox Get Serious About Webinars

The collaboration management tool allows the office products giant to schedule and deliver multiple Webcasts, as well as offering management reporting and analysis tools that help them analyze their effectiveness.

Tools for Schools: Streaming Helps Teachers Reach More Students

When it comes to the task of revitalizing public education, the power of streaming media is already proving to be more than just hype. Take for example, Los Angeles' Olive Vista Middle School, where streamed video clips are successfully and cost-effectively stimulating young minds.

Case Study: From Doctors to Daters, Userplane's Instant Communicator Puts a Face on IM

The company's Instant Communicator instant messaging service has taken off in the online dating world. But an installation at the Cleveland Clinic shows that it has a serious side, too.

Case Study: For DSM Chemical, VOD Spells Satisfaction

With the help of Axonix's SuperView server, the company is profiting from the power and convenience of video training on demand.